Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s Jilla was launched a few days ago and the film has already started making news. Thanks to the Velayudham star’s fans, who are curious about their favourite hero’s movies and trying hard to know more about the forthcoming project.
Now, we are bringing you some interesting titbits about Jilla for Vijay’s fans in specific and cine goers in general. Find it below…
Jilla is the fifth combination movie of Vijay and RB Choudhary. Some of the superhit movies in their combination are: Poove Unakkaga, Love Today and Thulladha Manamum Thullum.
The character name of Vijay in Jilla is Shakti. However, the title Jilla means ‘district’ and in the movie, it refers to a person and leader of a group. In the sense, the Ilayathalapathy will be addressed with this name.
The story of the forthcoming movie is set in the Madurai backdrop.
However, the makers of the film have decided to erect a Maduri set in Chennai and they are spending a huge amount on the sets.